- Equipment setup and development and using oscilloscopes and other sophisticated laboratory equipment
- 3D printing
- Ultrasound techniques and equipment
- Film growth and deposition using lasers, thermal, and RF
- Extensive experience with hazardous chemicals, high pressure cylinders, and cryogenic liquids
- Expert user of solid state, gas, and Qswitch Nd laser (laser classes from I to IV)
- Optical design of experimental systems including X-ray systems, interferometers, fiber optics, and ellipsometers
- Machine shop experience including Lathe and Mill machine
- Expert at use, design and construction of vacuum systems, including UHV systems
- Developed technology for human drug trials
- Experience ex vivo tissue studies and in vivo animal studies
- Experience with high voltage systems
- Experience with various detectors including x-ray, infrared, and optical
- Mathematical and numerical analysis of PDEs and ODEs
- Soft and silver soldering experience for construing experiential equipment.
- Optical Atomic Clocks design and construction

- Extensive experience applying finite element analysis (FEA) to problems in electricity and magnetism, thermal physics, RF, and many other areas.
- Proficient in FORTRAN, Mathematica, COMSOL(FEA), Python, gmsh, getdp (FEA) for scientific modeling
- Experience with SQL, Python, Igor, Origin, Mathematica, and R programming for data analysis
- Proficient in LabVIEW, AutoCAD/ CAD, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Linux, Windows
- Familiar with C and C++
- Familiar with machine learning including TensorFlow and sci kit-learn
- Geant4 and MNCP
- Familiar with solving problems in computational fluid dynamics

- Project management experience with interdisciplinary teams working on complex technical projects
- Experience meeting deadlines with designs and concepts
- Excellent oral and written communication
- Independent problem solving
- Extensive technical writing experience including white papers
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